Примеры употребления "as saying that" в английском

Christopher Columbus was once quoted as saying that pirates were too "simple-minded". He created the Bermuda Triangle later that year. On raconte que Christophe Colomb a traité une fois les pirates de "simplets". La même année, il créa le Triangle des Bermudes.
He left the house without so much as saying good-bye. Il a quitté la maison sans même dire au revoir.
It goes without saying that at that time a kind of friendship beyond master and disciple grew between the two of them. Cela va sans dire qu'à ce moment une sorte d'amitié au-delà de la relation maître-disciple grandissait entre eux deux.
He left without so much as saying goodbye. Il partit sans même dire au revoir.
It goes without saying that health is more important than wealth. Cela va sans dire que la santé est plus importante que la richesse.
He left the room without so much as saying good-bye to me. Il quitta la pièce sans même me dire au revoir.
It goes without saying that smoking is bad for the health. Il va sans dire que fumer est mauvais pour la santé.
He wants whipping for saying that. Il veut être fouetté pour avoir dit cela.
People are saying that the crisis is over. Les gens disent que la crise est passée.
He looked at me with consternation, saying that he must put a comma somewhere. Il me regarda avec consternation, en disant qu'il devait mettre une virgule quelque part.
It goes without saying that honesty is the key to success. Il va de soi que la clé du succès est l'honnêteté.
I regret saying that you were wrong. Je regrette de vous dire que vous aviez tort.
She persists in saying that she is right. Elle persiste à dire qu'elle a raison.
I'm not saying that your answers are always wrong. Je ne dis pas que tes réponses sont toujours fausses.
It goes without saying that Tom is in love with Kathy. Que Thomas soit amoureux de Catherine est un secret de polichinelle.
She persists in saying that her analysis is correct. Elle persiste à dire que son analyse est correcte.
I keep saying that I'm innocent but no one will listen. Je continue à clamer mon innocence mais personne n'écoute.
He did me the honor of saying that I was right. Il m'a fait l'honneur de dire que j'avais raison.
It goes without saying that nobody can come between us. Il va sans dire que personne ne peut nous séparer.
I received a telegram saying that my uncle had arrived. J'ai reçu un télégramme disant que mon oncle était arrivé.
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