Примеры употребления "were surprised" в английском

Everyone were surprised when I went into the room. Todos se sorprendieron cuando entré en la sala.
We were surprised at the ease with which he solved the problem. Estábamos sorprendidos de la facilidad con la que él resolvió problema.
We were surprised to hear the news. Nos sorprendimos al escuchar la noticia.
We were surprised at his conduct. Estábamos sorprendidos de su conducta.
We were surprised by his behavior. Nos sorprendimos de su comportamiento.
We were all surprised at the effect the news had on him. Todos estábamos sorprendidos del efecto que la noticia tuvo en él.
They were all surprised to see me there. Todos estaban sorprendidos de verme allí.
We were greatly surprised at the news of his sudden death. Nos sorprendió mucho la noticia de su repentina muerte.
They were completely surprised. Estaban absolutamente sorprendidos.
My wife gave birth to a child when we were very poor. While she was sleeping, I cooked rice and vegetables for several days and surprised her with the variety and taste of my cooking. Mi esposa dio a luz a un niño cuando éramos muy pobres. Mientras ella dormía, yo cociné arroz y verduras durante varios días y la sorprendí con la variedad y el sabor de mi cocina.
When I looked in a gardening book I was surprised by how many were marked poisonous. Cuando yo hojeé un cuaderno de jardinería, estaba sorprendido de cuantas eran marcadas como venenosas.
I wouldn't be surprised if lots of Tatoeba members were Scrabble addicts as well. No me sorprendería que muchos de los miembros de Tatoeba fueran adictos al Scrabble también.
I wouldn't be too surprised if this song became a hit. No me sorprendería demasiado si esta canción se volviera un éxito.
The greater part of the guests were foreigners. La mayor parte de los invitados eran extranjeros.
Tom surprised Mary with an expensive gift. Tom sorprendió a Mary con un regalo caro.
She loves the child as if it were her own. Ella quiere al niño como si fuera el suyo propio.
If you ask a mathematician if he is an adult or a minor, don't be surprised if he answers "yes". Si le preguntas a un matemático si él es un adulto o un menor de edad, no te sorprendas si él responde "sí".
Two seats were vacant. Había dos sitios libres.
Nancy was surprised that Bob won the first prize in the contest. Nancy se sorprendió de que Bob ganara el primer lugar en el concurso.
The shoes were made of some soft stuff that looked like leather. Los zapatos estaban hechos de un material suave que parecía cuero.
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