Примеры употребления "se toucher à sa fin" во французском

Notre mariage a touché à sa fin. Our marriage has come to an end.
Quand la Terre va-t-elle parvenir à sa fin ? When will Earth meet its end?
La réunion touchait à sa fin. The meeting was all but over.
Je vous avais explicitement recommandé de ne toucher à rien. I gave you explicit instructions not to touch anything.
Il était proche de sa fin. He was nearing his end.
Elle lui a recommandé de dire à sa copine qu'il l'aimait. She advised him to tell his girlfriend that he loved her.
Veuillez lier cette phrase à sa version espagnole. Please link this sentence to Spanish.
L'auteur dédicaçait le livre à sa soeur. The author dedicated the book to his sister.
Je te dis qu'elle ressemble à sa mère. She looks like her mother, I tell you.
Fred a écrit une longue lettre à sa mère. Fred wrote his mother a long letter.
Je me trouvai dans l'incapacité de me rendre à sa fête d'anniversaire. I was unable to go to his birthday party.
Je lui ai rappelé d'écrire bientôt à sa mère. I reminded him to write to his mother soon.
Cet accident a été dû à sa négligence. That accident was due to his carelessness.
Une photo était jointe à sa lettre. His letter enclosed a picture.
Remettez bien le couteau à sa place après usage. After using the knife, please be sure to put it back where it was.
Le misanthrope prend plaisir à sa solitude. The misanthrope enjoys his solitude.
Il laissa à sa fille une grande fortune. He left his daughter a great fortune.
Mets-toi à sa place. Imagine yourself to be in his place.
Il ressemble à sa mère. He resembles his mother.
À la réception, il m'a présenté à sa famille. He introduced me to his relatives at the reception.
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