Примеры употребления "comprenait" во французском с переводом "think"

Je pensais que tu comprendrais. I thought you would understand.
Je pensais que vous comprendriez. I thought you would understand.
Je crois que je comprends. I think I understand.
Plus je réfléchis, moins je comprends. The more I think, the less I understand.
Je pense que j’ai compris. I think I understood.
Je ne crois pas qu'elle le comprendrait. I don't think she would understand it.
Plus j'y pense, moins je la comprends. The more I think about it, the less I understand it.
Plus j'y réfléchis, moins je la comprends. The more I think about it, the less I understand it.
Plus j'y pense, moins je le comprends. The more I think about it, the less I understand it.
Plus j'y réfléchis, moins je le comprends. The more I think about it, the less I understand it.
Je pensais que toi, entre tous, comprendrait ma décision. I thought you of all people would understand my decision.
Je n'arrive pas à comprendre ce qu'ils pensaient. I can't understand what they were thinking.
Je crois qu'il est assez intelligent pour le comprendre. I think he has enough intelligence to understand it.
Je pense que je comprends la pression que tu subis. I think I understand the pressures you are under.
D'abord je vais essayer de comprendre pourquoi il pense ainsi. First, I'll try to understand why he thinks so.
Je te l'aurais dit avant, mais je ne pensais pas que tu comprendrais. I would have told you before, but I didn't think you'd understand.
Je vous l'aurais dit avant, mais je ne pensais pas que vous comprendriez. I would have told you before, but I didn't think you'd understand.
Je te l'aurais dit plus tôt, mais je ne pensais pas que tu comprendrais. I would have told you before, but I didn't think you'd understand.
Je vous l'aurais dit plus tôt, mais je ne pensais pas que vous comprendriez. I would have told you before, but I didn't think you'd understand.
Je la comprends, mais d'un autre côté je ne pense pas qu'elle ait raison. I understand her, but on the other hand I don't think she's right.
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