Примеры употребления "took the liberty" в английском

I took the liberty of calling her. J'ai pris la liberté de l'appeler.
We took the liberty of putting your candidacy on hold. Nous avons pris la liberté de mettre votre candidature en attente.
I took the liberty of calling him by his first name. J'ai pris la liberté de l'appeler par son prénom.
I saw your name and posts in an English forum and took the liberty of reading your profile. J'ai vu votre nom et vos publications sur un forum en anglais et j'ai pris la liberté de lire votre profil.
He took the first prize. Il a touché le premier prix.
He took the express for Tokyo. Il prit l'express pour Tokyo.
He took the job for the sake of his career but he didn't like it. Il a accepté le travail pour sa carrière mais il ne l'a pas aimé.
He took the eggs out one by one. Il sortit les œufs un à un.
He took the blow on the head. Il prit le coup sur la tête.
Students took the lead in the campaign against pollution. Les étudiants prirent les commandes de la campagne contre la pollution.
It seems that they took the wrong train. Il semblerait qu'ils aient pris le mauvais train.
I'm afraid I took the wrong train. J'ai peur d'avoir pris le mauvais train.
Here we took the boat for Alaska. Ici nous avons pris le bateau pour l'Alaska.
She took the tablecloths to the laundry. Elle a apporté la nappe à la blanchisserie.
The pain went away because I took the pills. La douleur est partie parce que j'ai pris les cachets.
He was busy, but he took the time to show me around the city. Il était occupé, mais il a pris le temps de me faire visiter la ville.
I took the 10:30 train, which was ten minutes late. J'ai pris le train de 10 :30, lequel était en retard de dix minutes.
I took the cake out of the oven. J'ai retiré le gâteau du four.
He took the first place in the race. Il a pris la première place dans la course.
Our army took the kingdom by surprise. Notre armée prit le royaume par surprise.
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