Примеры употребления "During" в английском

Be quiet during the lesson. Ne fais pas de bruit pendant le cours.
It rained during the night. Il plut durant la nuit.
He remained dumb during this discussion. Il est resté muet au cours de cette discussion.
Many lost their homes during the earthquake. Beaucoup perdirent leurs maisons lors du tremblement de terre.
She fell asleep during class. Elle s'est endormie en cours.
Traveling to the southern states during the winter will be costlier than it is now. Voyager dans les états du sud en hiver coûtera plus cher que maintenant.
He kept silent during the meeting. Il garda le silence pendant la réunion (meeting).
Bears hibernate during the winter. Les ours hibernent durant l'hiver.
A strange incident happened during his speech. Au cours de son discours il y eut un étrange incident.
I met her during my stint there. Je l'ai rencontrée lors de mon passage là-bas.
Anarchy can happen during wartime. L'anarchie peut survenir en temps de guerre.
Our son died during the war. Notre fils est mort pendant la guerre.
He fell asleep during class. Il s'est endormi durant le cours.
Human remains were found during the excavation. Des restes humains furent trouvés au cours de l'excavation
My friends stood by me during the process. Mes amis se tenaient à mes cotés lors du processus.
There is no school during August. Il n'y a pas cours en août.
Talking during a concert is rude. Bavarder pendant un concert est grossier.
The electricity failed during the storm. Le courant s'est coupé durant la tempête.
A fire broke out during that night. Un incendie éclata au cours de la nuit.
He met his mistress during a country escapade. Il rencontra sa maîtresse lors d'une escapade champêtre.
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