Примеры употребления "through" в английском

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During the war, people went through many hardships. Durante la guerra, la gente pasó muchos apuros.
"You have expensive taste!" the shopkeeper exclaimed. "Are you sure you don't want to look through our cheaper variants first?" - ¡Usted tiene un gusto caro! -exclamó la dependienta- ¿Está seguro de que no quiere mirar nuestras versiones más baratas primero?
He has lived through three heart attacks. Él ha sobrevivido a tres paros cardíacos.
A beam of sunlight came through the clouds. Un rayo de sol atravesó las nubes.
Tom flipped through the pages of the magazine. Tom hojeó las paginas de la revista.
Is there a through train? ¿Hay tren directo?
Many great men went through hardship during their youth. Muchos grandes hombres pasaron penurias durante su juventud.
The gate is so narrow that the car can't pass through it. El portón es tan angosto que el auto no puede pasar.
I went through a lot of difficulties in Mexico because I couldn't understand Spanish at all. Pasé muchas dificultades en México debido a que no podía entender del todo el español.
Tom went through the tunnel. Tom atravesó el túnel.
I glanced through the brochure. Eché un vistazo al folleto.
She stays calm through earthquakes. Ella se queda tranquila en los terremotos.
He got through his work. Él acabó todo su trabajo.
I can see through your lies. Tus mentiras no me engañan.
Who was rummaging through my things? ¿Quién hurgó mis cosas?
The train got through a tunnel. El tren atravesó un túnel.
It rained all through the afternoon. Estuvo lloviendo toda la tarde.
I'm looking through his report. Estoy revisando su informe.
The bullet went through his body. La bala atravesó su cuerpo.
My father slept through the movie. Mi padre estuvo durmiendo durante la película.
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