Примеры употребления "ain't" в английском с переводом "encontrar"

I thought your remark was interesting. Encontré interesante tu comentario.
The key was nowhere to be found. No podíamos encontrar la llave en ninguna parte.
Tom found what he was looking for. Tom encontró lo que buscaba.
The key was nowhere to be found. No podíamos encontrar la llave en ninguna parte.
Were you able to find the book? ¿Pudiste encontrar el libro?
He is always finding fault with other people. Siempre encuentra fallos en la gente.
Tom was barely alive when we found him. Tom apenas seguía vivo cuando lo encontramos.
The police were able to find the criminal. La policía pudo encontrar al criminal.
For a good appetite there is no hard bread El hambre no encuentra peros al condimento
It was found at the bottom of the river. Lo encontraron en el fondo del río.
There are no dinosaurs or mammoths to be found now. Ya no quedan dinosaurios o mamuts por encontrar.
There are no dinosaurs or mammoths to be found now. Ya no quedan dinosaurios o mamuts por encontrar.
I couldn't find the page I was looking for. No pude encontrar la página que buscaba.
I found a pot in which there were several old coins. Encontré un jarrón con varias viejas monedas dentro.
She found it was difficult to adapt herself to her new surroundings. Ella encontró difícil adaptarse al nuevo entorno.
I didn't know the performer, but eventually found out who she was. No conocía a la intérprete, y por fin la encontré.
There is an urgent need for a more effective method of treating this disease. Existe una necesidad urgente de encontrar un método más efectivo para tratar esta enfermedad.
The year after I graduated from college, I was finally able to find a job. El año siguiente al de mi graduación de la universidad por fin conseguí encontrar un trabajo.
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