Примеры употребления "teníamos" в испанском

No teníamos agua que beber. We had no water to drink.
Teníamos miedo de herir sus sentimientos. We were afraid that we might hurt his feelings.
Él dijo que teníamos que guardar el secreto. He said we must keep the secret.
Teníamos un acuerdo. Lo rompiste. We had an agreement. You broke it.
Por aquel entonces, solo teníamos quince años. At the time, we were just fifteen years old.
Teníamos un poco de agua. We had a little water.
Aquella vez, tan sólo teníamos quince años. At the time, we were just fifteen years old.
No teníamos televisor en aquellos días. We didn't have TV in those days.
Había muchas cosas que teníamos que hacer para preparar nuestro viaje. There were many things that we needed to do to prepare for our trip.
No teníamos casi nada en la cocina. We had next to nothing in the kitchen.
Éramos dos, pero sólo teníamos un corazón. We were two, but only had one heart.
No podíamos ir allí porque no teníamos coche. We couldn't go there because we didn't have a car.
Pensábamos que teníamos el juego en la bolsa. We thought we had the game in the bag.
Al día siguiente, todos teníamos una resaca tremenda. On the following day, we all had terrible hangovers.
No pudimos ir allí porque no teníamos coche. We couldn't go there because we didn't have a car.
Teníamos la esperanza de que la lluvia se detendría antes del mediodía. We had hoped that the rain would stop before noon.
El profesor dijo que teníamos que aprender todas estas expresiones de memoria. The teacher said we had to learn all these expressions by heart.
Teníamos una idea bastante clara de lo que el mundo pensaba de los Estados Unidos. Ahora también sabemos lo que los Estados Unidos piensa del resto del mundo. We had a fairly good idea what the world thought of the United States. Now we also know what the United States thinks of the rest of the world.
Ten confianza en ti mismo. Have confidence in yourself.
En todo caso ten paciencia. Above all, be patient.
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