Примеры употребления "took" в английском

The doctor took my pulse. Le docteur prit mon pouls.
I took care of my sick sister. Je me suis occupé de ma sœur malade.
He took the job reluctantly. Il a accepté ce travail à contre-cœur.
We took turns with the driving. Nous nous sommes relayés pour conduire.
She took her secrets to the grave. Elle a emporté ses secrets dans la tombe.
As he couldn't endure, he took to his heels. Comme il ne pouvait en supporter plus, il prit ses jambes à son cou.
They took food and clothing. Ils ont pris de la nourriture et des vêtements.
She took night classes in the art of self-defense. Elle a suivi des cours du soir dans l'art de l'auto-défense.
She took up his offer. Elle accepta sa proposition.
We took turns driving the car. Nous nous relayâmes pour conduire la voiture.
I took my umbrella lest it rain. J'ai emporté mon parapluie en cas de pluie.
As he couldn't take it any more, he took to his heels. Comme il ne pouvait en supporter plus, il prit ses jambes à son cou.
My mother took my temperature. Ma mère prit ma température.
When I realized it was raining, I took my umbrella. Lorsque je me suis rendu compte qu'il pleuvait, j'ai sorti mon parapluie.
He took the job without giving it much thought. Il a accepté le poste sans trop y réfléchir.
Fred and George took turns with the driving. Fred et George conduisirent à tour de rôle.
Tom took a quick shower. Tom pris rapidement une douche.
She took night classes in the science of self-defense. Elle a suivi des cours du soir dans l'art de l'auto-défense.
He took the job for the sake of his career but he didn't like it. Il a accepté le travail pour sa carrière mais il ne l'a pas aimé.
He began his career with a small vegetable cart which he took around from house to house. Il a commencé sa carrière avec une petite charrette à légumes qu'il conduisait de maison en maison.
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