Примеры употребления "difficult question" в английском

The teacher asked me a difficult question. La maestra me hizo una pregunta difícil.
Tom asked Mary a rather difficult question. Tom le hizo una pregunta bastante complicada a Mary.
Why do humans smile? This is a very difficult question to answer. ¿Por qué sonríen los humanos? Esta es una pregunta muy difícil de responder.
Tom found it difficult to answer the question. Tom encontró que era difícil responder la pregunta.
It is difficult for me to understand this question. Me es difícil entender esta pregunta.
This question is difficult to answer. Esta pregunta es difícil de responder.
This question is too difficult for me. Esta pregunta es demasiado difícil para mí.
The question was too difficult to answer. La pregunta era demasiado difícil de responder.
You are difficult and incorrigible. Eres difícil e incorregible.
He didn't give an answer to the question. Él no entregó una respuesta a la pregunta.
That's a problem difficult to solve. Ese es un problema difícil de resolver.
He didn't answer my question. No respondió a mi pregunta.
It's difficult to learn a foreign language. Aprender una lengua extranjera es difícil.
He didn't respond to my question. No respondió a mi pregunta.
It is a difficult task, choosing what is "right" or "wrong", but you have to do it. Es una tarea difícil elegir qué está "bien" o "mal", pero has de hacerlo.
I refuse to discuss the question. Me rehúso a discutir la cuestión.
It's difficult to speak with him. Es difícil hablar con él.
Jose muttered the answer to the question asked by the teacher. José murmuró entre dientes la respuesta a la pregunta hecha por el profesor.
It's often said that Japanese is a difficult language to learn. A menudo se dice que el japonés es una lengua difícil de aprender.
Can you answer this question? ¿Puedes responder a esta pregunta?
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