Примеры употребления "as such" в английском

He is a friend and I treat him as such. Él es un amigo y lo trato como tal.
If you are a man, behave as such. Si eres un hombre, compórtate como tal.
He is a director, and should be treated as such. Él es un director y debería ser tratado como tal.
He is a lawyer and must be treated as such. Él es un abogado, y debe ser tratado como tal.
He is a famous painter and should be treated as such. Él es un pintor famoso y debería de ser tratado como tal.
If you act like a fool, you must be treated as such. Si te comportas como un imbécil, seras tratado como uno de ellos.
Good nutrition is also a science and, as such, can be learnt. La buena nutrición también es una ciencia, y como tal, se puede aprender.
If you are a student, behave as such. Si eres un estudiante, actúa como tal.
Science as such is not interested in the value or worth of things. La ciencia como tal no está interesada en el valor de las cosas.
He is an excellent fixer, and has always been regarded as such. Él es un excelente reparador, y siempre ha sido considerado como tal.
He is a gentleman and ought to be treated as such. Él es un caballero y debe ser tratado como tal.
I didn't know you were such a good cook. No sabía que fueses tan buen cocinero.
The bridge will give way under such a heavy load. El puente cederá ante una carga tan pesada.
It is very kind of you to send me such a nice present. Es muy lindo de tu parte que me mandes un obsequio tan lindo.
Such was her anger that she lost control of herself. Tal era su ira que ella perdió el control.
I am proud of having accomplished such a task. Me siento orgulloso de haber logrado una tarea así.
If there is such a thing as an unforgivable act, it is the act of not forgiving. Si existe cosa tal como un acto imperdonable, es el acto de no perdonar.
Don't forget to bring kitchen utensils such as knives and cooking pots. No olvides traer utensilios de cocina como cuchillos y ollas.
I am glad I did not buy such a thing. Me alegro de no haber comprado tal cosa.
"He has so much money that he doesn't know how to spend it." "I wish I was in such a situation... I would know how to spend it." "Él tiene tanto dinero que no sabe cómo gastarlo." "Quisiera estar en una situación similar... yo sí sabría cómo gastarlo."
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