Примеры употребления "Same" в английском с переводом "igual"

They are all the same. Todos son iguales.
All women are the same. Todas las mujeres son iguales.
Are they all the same? ¿Son todos iguales?
Politicians are all the same Todos los políticos son iguales
It's the same to me. Me da igual.
It's all the same to me. Me da igual.
We're all the same according to law. Todos somos iguales ante la ley.
Things are the same but people have changed. Las cosas siguen igual pero la gente ha cambiado.
Tom thinks that all Asians look the same. Tom piensa que todos los asiáticos se ven igual.
The basic meaning of it remains the same. Su significado básico permanece igual.
Those two aren't similar, they're the same! Ellos dos no son parecidos, ¡son iguales!
Tom feels exactly the same way as Mary does. Tom se siente exactamente igual que Mary.
"A Happy New Year!" "I wish you the same!" "¡Feliz año nuevo!" "¡Igualmente!"
A lot of people feel the same way Tom does. Mucha gente se siente igual que Tom.
She looks exactly the same as she was at school. Ella está exactamente igual a cuando iba al colegio.
This is the same necklace as that I lost yesterday. Este collar es igual al que perdí ayer.
This is the same purse that I lost a week ago. Este monedero es igual al que perdí hace una semana.
People of my generation all think the same way about this. Toda la gente de mi generación piensa igual sobre esto.
I hate it when women say that all men are the same. Odio cuando las mujeres dicen que "los hombres son todos iguales".
Everyone opposed it, but Sally and Bob got married all the same. Todos se oponían, pero Sally y Bob se casaron igualmente.
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