Перевод "planification" на английский
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Словарь для "planification"
Словосочетания с "planification" (31)
- centre de planification familiale - family planning clinic
- Comité des priorités et de la planification - Priorities and Planning Committee
- fonction de planification - planning function
- planification des naissances - family planning
- planification familiale - family planning
- tableau de planification - planning board
- agent de planification financière et des rapports - Financial Planning and Reporting Officer
- Comité permanent de la planification et de l'évaluation - Standing Committee on Planning and Evaluation
- Comité permanent sur les priorités et la planification - Standing Committee on Priorities and Planning
- limitations à la planification - planning restrictions
Контексты с "planification"
Utilisons nos cerveaux autant que possible et voyons ce qui arrive pendant les phases de planification !
Let's use our brains to the greatest extent possible and see what happens during the planning stages!
Par exemple, dans les affaires de mon père, la planification des ventes et des achats était très importante, et il devait parfois écrire ou dire à ses collègues, "il y a un afflux", sans entrer dans le détail.
For instance, in my father's business the timing of sales and purchases was very important, and he would sometimes write or say to his colleagues "There is a tide," without going into detail.
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