Перевод "Supreme Court" на португальский

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Словарь для "Supreme Court"

supreme court существительное
мн. supreme courts
o supremo tribunal m (institution)
Supreme Court существительное
Supremo Tribunal m (Бизнес)

Словосочетания с "Supreme Court" (8)

  1. state supreme court - Supremo Tribunal do Estado
  2. supreme court case - processo no supremo tribunal
  3. supreme court justice - juiz do supremo tribunal
  4. supreme court of appeal - Supremo Tribunal de Justiça
  5. supreme court of judicature - Supremo Tribunal de Justiça
  6. supreme court of justice - Supremo Tribunal de Justiça
  7. united states supreme court - Supremo Tribunal dos Estados Unidos
  8. Supreme Court of the State - Tribunal de Justiça

Контексты с "supreme court"

In a court of fowls, the cockroach never wins his case. Em terreiro de galinha, barata não tem razão.
Helen Moody was noted as a tennis player for not showing any expression on the court. Helen Moody era conhecida como uma jogadora de tênis cujo rosto nunca demonstrou suas emoções na quadra.
He is now playing tennis on the court. Ele agora está jogando tênis na quadra.
Now the ball is in your court! Agora vamos ver o que você pode fazer!
They called the same witness to court. Chamaram a mesma testemunha ao tribunal.
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