Перевод "institute" на итальянский

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Словарь для "institute"

institute [ˈɪnstɪtju:t] существительное Прослушать
мн. institutes
l' istituto m (organization founded for particular work) Прослушать
We have established the institute with a view to facilitating the research.
Abbiamo stabilito l'istituto con un visto di facilitare la ricerca.
institute [ˈɪnstɪtju:t] глагол Спряжение Прослушать
instituted / instituted / instituting / institutes
istituire (establish) Прослушать
introdurre (start: reform, custom) Прослушать
intentare (lawsuit, proceedings) Прослушать

Словосочетания с "institute" (5)

  1. All-russia institute of light alloys - All-Russia Institute of Light Alloys
  2. Institute for one world health - Institute for One World Health
  3. Insurance information institute - Istituto di informazioni di assicurazione
  4. Mckinsey global institute - Istituto Globale McKinsey
  5. Rocky mountain institute - Rocky Mountain Institute

Контексты с "institute"

We have established the institute with a view to facilitating the research. Abbiamo stabilito l'istituto con un visto di facilitare la ricerca.
I bought a poster at the Arab World Institute in Paris and I had it framed. Ho comprato un poster all'Istituto del Mondo Arabo di Parigi e l'ho fatto incorniciare.
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