Перевод "witness" на испанский

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Словарь для "witness"

witness [ˈwɪtnɪs] существительное Прослушать
мн. witnesses
el testigo m Прослушать
The witness stated his name.
El testigo indicó su nombre.
el testimonio m (testimony) Прослушать
The witnesses were able to refute the false testimony of the suspect.
Los testigos pudieron refutar el falso testimonio del sospechoso.
witness [ˈwɪtnɪs] глагол Спряжение Прослушать
witnessed / witnessed / witnessing / witnesses
presenciar (see) Прослушать
She witnessed him being killed.
Ella presenció su asesinato.
testimoniar (be a sign or proof of) Прослушать
The witnesses were able to refute the false testimony of the suspect.
Los testigos pudieron refutar el falso testimonio del sospechoso.
notar (look at the example of) Прослушать
другие переводы 2

Словосочетания с "witness" (9)

  1. bear witness - atestiguar
  2. crown witness - testigo principal
  3. expert witness - testigo perito
  4. Global witness - Global Witness
  5. in witness whereof - en fe de lo cual
  6. star witness - testigo principal
  7. witness for the defense - testigo para la parte defensora
  8. witness for the prosecution - testigo para la parte acusadora
  9. witness stand - banquillo de los testigos

Контексты с "witness"

The witness stated his name. El testigo indicó su nombre.
It is astonishing to witness that the Iranians, onto whom the Arabs imposed Islam through military defeat, have become its most zealous followers to the point of oppressing those of Zoroastrianism, though it is the religion of their own fathers. A kind of Stockholm syndrome on the national scale. Es sorprendente atestiguar que los iraníes, sobre quienes los árabes impusieron el Islam a través de la derrota militar, se han convertido en sus seguidores más fervientes, hasta el punto de oprimir a aquellos del zoroastrismo, a pesar de ser la religión de sus propios padres. Es una especie de síndrome de Estocolmo a escala nacional.
They bribed the witness into silence. Ellos callaron al testigo con un soborno.
Tom was a witness to the accident. Tom fue un testigo del accidente.
They called the same witness to court. Llamaron al mismo testigo al tribunal.
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