Перевод "insurance company" на испанский

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Словарь для "insurance company"

insurance company существительное
мн. insurance companies
la compañía de seguros f (econ)
Tom called the insurance company to report that his car had been stolen.
Tom llamó a la compañía de seguros para informar de que le habían robado el coche.

Словосочетания с "insurance company" (8)

  1. If p&c insurance company ltd - IF P&C Insurance Company Ltd.
  2. life insurance company - compañía de seguros de vida
  3. Metropolitan life insurance company - Metropolitan Life Insurance Company
  4. mutual insurance company - sociedad mutua de seguros
  5. Mutual of america life insurance company - Mutual of America Life Insurance Company
  6. National life insurance company - National Life Insurance Company
  7. Pacific life insurance company - Pacific Life Insurance Company
  8. People's insurance company of china - People's Insurance Company of China

Контексты с "insurance company"

Tom called the insurance company to report that his car had been stolen. Tom llamó a la compañía de seguros para informar de que le habían robado el coche.
Could I write down your name, address and phone number, for the insurance company? ¿Podría escribir su nombre, dirección y número de teléfono, para la compañía de seguros?
The company provides health care and life insurance benefits for all of its employees. La empresa proporciona seguro médico y beneficios de seguro de vida a todos sus empleados.
The company laid off five people. La compañía despidió a cinco personas.
Insurance protects against unforeseen predicaments. Los seguros protegen contra apuros imprevistos.
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