Перевод "at the expense of" на испанский

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Словарь для "at the expense of"

at the expense of предлог
a expensas de (fig)
Every flatterer lives at the expense of whom listens to them.
Todo adulador vive a expensas de quien lo escucha.

Контексты с "at the expense of"

Every flatterer lives at the expense of whom listens to them. Todo adulador vive a expensas de quien lo escucha.
He finished the work at the expense of his health. Terminó el trabajo a costo de su salud.
Such an economic program will help the rich at the expense of the poor. Un programa económico como ese va a ayudar a los ricos a costa de los pobres.
The system benefits a small group at the expense of the sacrifice of the rest. El sistema beneficia a un grupo pequeño a costa del sacrificio del resto.
Sex: the pleasure is momentary, the position ridiculous, and the expense damnable. Sexo: el placer es momentáneo, la postura ridícula, y el costo detestable.
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