Перевод "The Christian Recorder" на испанский

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Словарь для "The Christian Recorder"

The christian recorder существительное
мн. the christian recorders
The Christian Recorder m (national newspaper of the African Methodist Episcopal Church)

Контексты с "the christian recorder"

During the Middle Ages, honor was fundamental to the life of the free man and of the Christian man. Durante la Edad Media, el honor era fundamental en la vida de un hombre libre y de un cristiano.
The Christian mythologists tell us that Christ died for the sins of the world, and that he came on Purpose to die. Los mitólogos cristianos nos dicen que Cristo murió por los pecados del mundo, y que vino a propósito para morir.
In the Christian faith, followers believe that there is only one God, and Jesus Christ is the Son of God. En la fe cristiana, los seguidores creen que hay un solo Dios, y Jesucristo es el Hijo de Dios.
Tom is a Christian. Tom es cristiano.
The tape recorder is a useful aid to teaching. La grabadora es una ayuda útil para enseñar.
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