Примеры употребления "exames" в португальском

Переводы: все27 exam16 examination11
Ela está preocupada com seus exames. She's worrying about her exams.
Ele está estudando muito para passar nos exames. He is studying hard so that he can pass the examinations.
Os exames começaram às 5 da tarde. The exams started at 5 o'clock in the evening.
Você pode se levantar da mesa de exames agora. You can get up from the examination table now.
Tom estava muito feliz ao saber que Maria havia passado nos exames. Tom was really glad to hear that Mary had passed her exams.
Ele tinha um exame oral. He had an oral exam.
Hoje temos exame de inglês. We have an examination in English today.
Ele colou no exame de biologia. He cheated on the biology exam.
Peguei-o colando no exame. I caught him cheating in the examination.
Ele reprovou no exame de acesso. He failed the entrance exam.
Espero que Mary passe no exame. I hope that Mary passes the examination.
Estou preocupado com os resultados do exame. I'm concerned about the result of the exam.
Tivemos um exame de biologia ontem. We had an examination in biology yesterday.
Estude bastante ou você não passará no exame. Study hard, or you will fail in the exam.
Acredita-se que ele passou no exame. He is believed to have passed the examination.
Por acaso você sabe a data do exame? Do you happen to know the date of the exam?
Ele está desanimado pelo fracasso no exame. He is discouraged by his failure in the examination.
Tenho certeza de que ele passará no próximo exame. I'm sure he'll pass the next exam.
Eu estou ansioso acerca dos resultados do exame. I am anxious about the results of the examination.
Ele não passou no exame, mas não se importa muito. He failed the exam, but he doesn't care too much.
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