Примеры употребления "tantos" в испанском

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Has estado fuera tantos años. You have been gone for so many years.
No tiene tantos libros como ella. He doesn't have so many books as she.
Estos estantes no aguantan tantos libros. These shelves cannot support so many books.
Él no tiene tantos libros como ella. He doesn't have so many books as she.
Pedorrearse en un elevador está mal en tantos niveles. Farting in an elevator is wrong on so many levels.
Si no hubiera tantos taxis, habría menos accidentes viales. If there weren't so many taxis, there would be fewer traffic accidents.
De repente, recordé que no podía pagar por tantos libros. All of a sudden, I remembered that I couldn't pay for so many books.
¡No aguanto tantos coches tocando el claxon al mismo tiempo! I can't stand so many cars honking their horns at the same time!
Con tantos parados, mucha gente ya no puede pagar su hipoteca. With so many unemployed, many can't pay their mortgages.
Ahora sé por qué la gente tiene tantos accidentes automovilísticos cuando llueve. Now I know why people get into so many car accidents when it rains.
No hay tantos lugares en el mundo que sean tan templados y tan a menudo soleados como donde yo vivo. There aren't so many places in the world that are as temperate and so often sunny as where I live.
No pensé que serían tantos. I didn't think it would be that much.
Treinta años no son tantos. Thirty isn't that old.
Ella tiene tantos libros como yo. She has as many books as I.
Tiene tantos libros como su padre. He has as many books as his father does.
Lee tantos libros como te sea posible. Read as many books as you possibly can.
Lee tantos libros como puedas mientras seas estudiante. Read as many books as you can while you are a student.
Me irritó hasta decir basta con tantos cumplidos. She irritates me to no end with her complaints.
Nosotros debemos leer tantos libros como sea posible. We should read as many books as possible.
Mientras seas joven, lee tantos libros como puedas. Read as many books as you can while you are young.
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