Примеры употребления "principal responsable" в испанском

Muchas personas pasaron por la calle principal. A lot of people went by on the main street.
Se niega a creer que uno de mis hermanos es responsable de la muerte de mi padre. He refuses to believe that one of my brothers is responsible for my father's death.
El arrecife de coral es la atracción principal de la región. The coral reef is the region's prime attraction.
Un hombre responsable no desatiende sus asuntos. A man of responsibility, he didn't leave the matter alone.
Éste es nuestro objetivo principal. This is our main objective.
Tom se siente responsable por lo ocurrido. Tom feels responsible for what happened.
Éste es nuestro principal objetivo. This is our main goal.
Ese científico es responsable de muchos descubrimientos. That scientist is responsible for many discoveries.
El personaje principal es un hombre cuyo nombre desconocemos. The main character is a man whose name we do not know.
El conductor es responsable de la seguridad de los pasajeros. The driver is responsible for the safety of the passengers.
Él incluso sospechaba que ese hombre era el principal culpable. He even suspected that the man was the principal offender.
¿Eres tú el responsable de este desorden? Are you responsible for this mess?
El tema principal del libro es la Revolución Americana. The principle theme of the book is the American Revolution.
No eres responsable de lo que pasó. You're not responsible for what happened.
La causa principal de su fracaso es la pereza. The primary cause of his failure is laziness.
¿No te sientes de alguna manera responsable? Don’t you feel in some way responsible?
Su objetivo principal en la vida era volverse rico. His main object in life was to become rich.
Tom es un conductor responsable. Tom is a responsible driver.
La válvula principal está cerrada. The main valve is turned off.
No soy responsable de lo que ha hecho Tom. I'm not responsible for what Tom did.
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