Примеры употребления "posibilidad" в испанском с переводом "possibility"

Pero la posibilidad es improbable. But the possibility seems unlikely.
Esa es definitivamente una posibilidad. That's certainly one possibility.
Existe una pequeña posibilidad de recaída. There's a slight possibility of a recurrence.
No podemos descartar la posibilidad de un accidente. We cannot rule out the possibility of an accident.
Él ha estudiado la posibilidad de una colaboración. He has studied the possibility of a collaboration.
Hay una posibilidad de que ella tenga éxito. There's a possibility that she'll succeed
Él ha investigado la posibilidad de una cooperación. He has investigated the possibility of cooperation.
Está la posibilidad de que Tom llegue tarde. There's a possibility that Tom will be late.
Parece no haber alguna posibilidad de un compromiso. There seems to be no possibility of compromise.
Él estaba investigando la posibilidad de comprar una casa. He was looking into the possibility of buying a house.
Hay una posibilidad de que este hombre haya sido asesinado. There's a possibility that the man was murdered.
Hay una posibilidad de que no tengamos que clausurar la fábrica. There is a possibility that we won't have to shut down the factory.
Tom no pudo descartar la posibilidad de que él estuviera equivocado. Tom couldn't rule out the possibility that he was mistaken.
La muerte es la posibilidad de la absoluta imposibilidad de Dasein. Death is the possibility of the absolute impossibility of Dasein.
Él es realista y no cree en la posibilidad de los milagros. He's realistic and doesn't believe in the possibility of miracles.
Tom no podía descartar del todo la posibilidad de que resultar reclutado. Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that he was going to get drafted.
La policía rechazó la posibilidad de que ese caso hubiera sido un suicidio. The police ruled out the possibility of suicide in the case.
Tom no podía descartar la posibilidad de que no le gustara a Mary. Tom couldn't rule out the possibility that Mary didn't like him.
Tom no podía descartar del todo la posibilidad de que Mary se hubiera suicidado. Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that Mary had killed herself.
Tom no podía descartar del todo la posibilidad de que pudiera resultar despedido del trabajo. Tom couldn't completely rule out the possibility that he might be laid off from work.
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