Примеры употребления "heridos" в испанском

El presidente y su séquito fueron heridos. The president and his entourage were injured.
Los heridos se están mejorando. The wounded are getting better.
Varios soldados resultaron heridos en la ofensiva. Several soldiers were injured in the offensive.
A pesar de estar heridos, siguieron peleando. Though wounded, they continued to fight.
Resultaron gravemente heridos en un accidente automovilístico. They were badly injured in a car accident.
Muchos soldados fueron heridos en la batalla. Many soldiers were wounded in the battle.
Las ambulancias llevaron a los heridos al hospital más cercano. The ambulances carried the injured to the nearest hospital.
Había unos pasajeros heridos, pero le resto estaba a salvo. Some passengers were injured, but the others were safe.
Los heridos fueron llevados al hospital y los muertos a la iglesia. The injured were carried to the hospital, and the dead to the church.
Las personas heridas hieren personas. Hurt people hurt people.
Lleve al herido al hospital. Carry the injured to the hospital.
Fue herido en la guerra. He was wounded in the war.
Me herí durante la clase de educación física. I injured myself during the physical education lesson.
No quiero herir sus sentimientos. I don't want to hurt his feelings.
¿Cuánta sangre perdió el herido? How much blood has the injured lost?
Le hirieron en la batalla. He was wounded in the battle.
Desde que se hirió en un accidente, no ha podido volver a andar. Since he was injured in an accident, he could no longer walk.
No era su intención herirte. It wasn't my intention to hurt you.
Afortunadamente, ningún pasajero resultó herido. Fortunately none of the passengers were injured.
Tom fue herido en un robo. Tom was wounded in a burglary.
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