Примеры употребления "cenará" в испанском с переводом "have dinner"

Переводы: все26 have dinner20 dine5 have for dinner1
Ella cenará con él a esta hora mañana. She'll be having dinner with him at this time tomorrow.
Aquí es donde suelen cenar. Here's where they usually have dinner.
Quiero cenar en un restaurante. I wanna have dinner in a restaurant.
Es aquí donde suelen cenar. Here's where they usually have dinner.
¿Vas a cenar en casa? Are you going to have dinner at home?
¿Has pensado en cenar conmigo? Have you given any thought to having dinner with me?
Habitualmente ceno a las siete. I usually have dinner at seven.
¿Te gustaría cenar conmigo esta noche? Would you like to have dinner with me tonight?
Él vino y cenó con nosotros. He came and had dinner with us.
Quiero ir a cenar a un restaurante. I wanna have dinner in a restaurant.
No puedes tener hambre. Acabas de cenar. You can't be hungry. You've just had dinner.
Ella aceptó mi invitación a cenar conmigo. She accepted my invitation to have dinner with me.
¡Tengo hambre! ¡Vamos a cenar por favor! I'm hungry! Let's go and have dinner please!
Ceno con Taninna casi todos los días. I have dinner with Taninna almost every day.
Vimos la película y luego cenamos juntos. We saw the film and had dinner together.
¿Usted tiene tiempo para cenar conmigo esta noche? Do you have time to have dinner with me tonight?
¿Cuándo fue la última vez que cenaste con tu esposa? When was the last time you had dinner with your wife?
Por la noche, yo ceno en casa con mi familia. In the evening, I have dinner at home with my family.
Olvida tus problemas un poco y ven a cenar con nosotros. Forget your troubles for a while and come and have dinner with us.
A este paso, incluso las películas independientes jamás alcanzaran un verdadero entendimiento del romance y las relaciones, así que al diablo con las películas, vayamos a cenar. At this rate, even independent film will never reach a true understanding of romance and relationships, so to hell with the movies, let's have dinner.
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