Примеры употребления "averiguar" в испанском с переводом "find out"

¿Podrías averiguar cómo llegar ahí? Could you find out how to get there?
No pudimos averiguar su dirección. We could not find out her address.
No pudimos averiguar su paradero. We couldn't find out her whereabouts.
Tom pretende averiguar que está pasando. Tom plans to find out what's going on.
Debo averiguar exactamente que salió mal. I need to find out exactly what went wrong.
Él trató de averiguar contra que iba. He tried to find out what he was up against.
No he podido averiguar nada al respecto. I haven't been able to find out anything about it.
Acabó de averiguar que ella estaba embarazada. I just found out she was pregnant.
Tom no pudo averiguar la dirección de Mary. Tom couldn't find out Mary's address.
Quiero averiguar el origen de este irresponsable rumor. I want to find out the source of this irresponsible rumor.
Los experimentos te permitirán averiguar que anda mal. Experiments will enable you to find out what is wrong.
Tom decidió fisgonear y ver que podía averiguar. Tom decided to snoop around and see what he could find out.
Debemos averiguar la causa, y deshacernos de ella. We must find out the cause and get rid of it.
Pase lo que pase, nunca lo vas a averiguar. Whatever happens, you're never going to find out.
Me tranquilicé al averiguar que la operación había sido exitosa. I calmed down upon finding out that the operation was successful.
Trate de averiguar si es verdad todo lo que dijo. Try to find out if everything he said is true.
Él estaba extasiado de averiguar que su hijo había triunfado. He was overjoyed to find out that his son had succeeded.
Traté de averiguar cuántas personas vivían realmente en esta ciudad. I tried to find out how many people really live in this town.
Ella lo siguió hasta su casa para averiguar en dónde vivía. She followed him home to find out where he lived.
No hemos podido averiguar nada acerca del abuelo y la abuela. We haven't been able to find out anything about Grandma and Grandpa.
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