Примеры употребления "Resolver" в испанском

Es fácil resolver el problema. It is easy to solve the problem.
No es posible resolver el conflicto. It is impossible to resolve the conflict.
Finalmente fuimos capaces de resolver el asunto. We were able to settle the matter finally.
Es difícil resolver ese problema. The problem is difficult to solve.
Espero que podáis resolver pronto la situación. I hope that you are able to resolve the situation soon.
Pensé que lo podría resolver por teléfono. I thought I could settle it by phone.
Hay muchos problemas para resolver. There are many problems to solve.
Puedes resolver esto como un sistema de ecuaciones. You can resolve this as a system of equations.
No deberíamos recurrir a las armas para resolver los conflictos internacionales. We should not resort to arms to settle international disputes.
Nadie pudo resolver el rompecabezas. No one could solve the puzzle.
Resolver una ecuación diferencial significa encontrar la función que la satisface. Resolving a differential equation means finding the functions that satisfies it.
¿Podés resolver el problema solo? Can you solve the problem by yourself?
Cualquier problema que se pueda resolver con dinero no es un problema, pero el problema es que soy pobre. Any problem that can be resolved with money isn't a problem, but the problem is that I'm poor.
Trata de resolver el problema. Try solving the problem.
Es difícil resolver este problema. The problem is difficult to solve.
Tengo que resolver este problema. I have to solve this problem.
Nadie pudo resolver el problema. No one could solve the problem.
Nadie puede resolver este problema. Nobody can solve this problem.
No puedo resolver este problema. I can't solve this problem.
Pude resolver el problema esta mañana. I was able to solve the question this morning.
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