Примеры употребления "A causa de" в испанском

Переводы: все40 because of23 for2 owing to1 through1 другие переводы13
No pude ir allí a causa de la nieve. The snow prevented me from going there.
No puedo salir, a causa de la fuerte lluvia. I couldn't go out, due to the heavy rain.
El camino estaba cerrado a causa de la inundación. The road was closed on account of the flood.
Sus mejillas empezaron a sonrojarse a causa de sus cumplidos. Her cheeks began to glow at his compliments.
Ella estaba ansiosa a causa de la salud de su hijo. She was anxious about her children's health.
El tren se retrasó 30 minutos a causa de la nieve. The train was thirty minutes late on account of the heavy snow.
A causa de la densa neblina, el camino era difícil de ver. Due to the thick fog, the road was difficult to see.
A causa de la lluvia, el picnic se celebró en el gimnasio. The picnic was held in the gym on account of the rain.
La entrega de los bienes se retrasó a causa de la tormenta. The delivery of the goods was delayed due to the storm.
Se cortaron cables eléctricos en muchas partes a causa de la nevazón. Electric wires were broken in many places from the heavy snowfall.
A causa de su enfermedad él se vio obligado a dejar de fumar. Due to illness, he had to give up smoking.
Es posible que el partido de fútbol se suspenda a causa de la lluvia. The football game might be called off on account of rain.
He recibido tu carta hoy, puesto que se vio retrasada a causa de las fuertes nevadas. Your letter reached me only today, having been delayed by the heavy snow.
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