Примеры употребления "living from hand to mouth" в английском

She gave me mouth to mouth and saved my life. Elle m'a fait du bouche à bouche et a sauvé ma vie.
Living from day to day. Vivre au jour le jour.
He held out his hand to me. Il me tendit la main.
He gave me mouth to mouth and saved my life. Il m'a fait du bouche à bouche et a sauvé ma vie.
He held out a helping hand to the poor. Il a tendu la main aux pauvres.
The pupil held up his hand to ask a question. L'élève leva la main pour poser une question.
He put his hand to his forehead. Il porta la main à son front.
That student raised his hand to ask a question. Cet élève leva la main pour poser une question.
He raised his hand to stop a taxi. Il leva la main pour arrêter un taxi.
She took hold of my hand to teach me. Elle me saisit la main pour m'instruire.
Takeshi raised his hand to ask a question. Takeshi a levé la main pour poser une question.
I raised my hand to ask a question. Je levai la main pour poser une question.
She waved her hand to us. Elle nous fit signe de la main.
He wrenched the letter from my hand. Il m'arracha la lettre de la main.
Then the pen fell from my hand and I just listened. Alors le stylo me tomba de la main et je ne fis qu'écouter.
He is living apart from his wife. Il vit séparé de sa femme.
Just as water, gas, and electricity are brought into our houses from far off to satisfy our needs in response to a minimal effort, so we shall be supplied with visual or auditory images, which will appear and disappear at a simple movement of the hand, hardly more than a sign. Comme l’eau, comme le gaz, comme le courant électrique viennent de loin dans nos demeures répondre à nos besoins moyennant un effort quasi nul, ainsi serons-nous alimentés d’images visuelles ou auditives, naissant et s’évanouissant au moindre geste, presque à un signe.
That word dropped from his mouth. Ce mot m'est sorti de la bouche.
From personal experience, I know that any encounter with him will leave a bad taste in your mouth. Selon mon expérience personnelle, je sais que la moindre rencontre avec lui vous laisse un mauvais goût dans la bouche.
He withdrew his hand from the table. Il retira sa main de la table.
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