Примеры употребления "heels" в английском

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She fell head over heels from the ladder. Elle tomba de l'échelle la tête par-dessus les talons.
And desire follows me at my heels and bites me, for I love you, o Lady Death. Et le désir me talonne et me mord, car je vous aime, ô Madame la Mort .
I've sat on my heels for so long my legs have fallen asleep. Je me suis assis tellement longtemps sur les talons, que mes jambes se sont endormies.
His bag was heavy, and what was worse, one of his heels had got blistered. Son sac était lourd, et pire encore, un de ses talons avait des ampoules.
He squashed the insect with the heel of his foot. Il écrasa l'insecte du talon.
They're dragging their heels. Ils traînent les pieds.
He's head over heels in love. Il est fou amoureux.
He fell from the roof head over heels. Il est tombé du toit la tête la première.
As he couldn't endure, he took to his heels. Comme il ne pouvait en supporter plus, il prit ses jambes à son cou.
He took to his heels when he saw a policeman. Il prit ses jambes à son cou en voyant le policier.
As he couldn't take it any more, he took to his heels. Comme il ne pouvait en supporter plus, il prit ses jambes à son cou.
A boy having sold a cow at the fair at Hereford, was way-laid by a highwayman, who at a convenient place demanded the money; on this the boy took to his heels and ran away but being overtaken by the highwayman, who dismounted, he pulled the money out of his pocket and strewed it about, and while the highwayman was picking it up, the boy jumped upon the horse and rode home. Un garçon qui avait vendu une vache à la foire de Hereford, fut pris en embuscade par un routier, qui, à un endroit approprié, exigea l'argent ; sur ce, le garçon prit ses jambes à son cou et s'enfuit mais, étant rattrapé par le routier, qui descendit de cheval, il sortit l'argent de sa poche et l'éparpilla autour, et tandis que le routier le ramassait, le garçon sauta sur le cheval et galopa jusqu'à chez lui.
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