Примеры употребления "urban poor" в английском

Don't despise a man because he is poor. No desprecies a un hombre por ser pobre.
An increase in the number of cars will affect the urban environment. Un incremento en el número de coches afectará al entorno urbano.
One views things differently according to whether one is rich or poor. Una persona ve las cosas de manera diferente dependiendo de si es rica o pobre.
The urban population of America is increasing. La población urbana en América está creciendo.
The poor rabbit, terrified, whimpered in the hands of its owner. El pobre conejo, asustado, chillaba entre las manos de su dueño.
Bicycles are tools for urban sustainability. Las bicicletas son una herramienta para la sostenibilidad urbana.
She isn't poor. Ella no es pobre.
The inhabitants are proud of their urban culture. Los habitantes son orgullosos de su cultura urbana.
I'm a poor student and I can't pay you. Soy un pobre estudiante y no puedo pagarte.
I've finally got used to urban life. Finalmente me he acostumbrado a la vida urbana.
You don't know what it is to be poor. Tú no sabes lo que es ser pobre.
Recreational drug use inspires many urban legends. El consumo de drogas recreativas inspira muchas leyendas urbanas.
He was so poor that he couldn't buy bread. Era tan pobre, que no podía comprar pan.
The rich are not always happier than the poor. Los ricos no siempre son más felices que los pobres.
Even though she's rich, she says she's poor. A pesar de que ella es rica, dice que es pobre.
I would rather be poor than make money by dishonest means. Preferiría ser pobre a ganar dinero deshonestamente.
One should give alms to the poor. Uno debería dar limosnas a los pobres.
Lincoln's parents remained poor all their lives. Los padres de Lincoln fueron pobres toda la vida.
As it had been written in haste, the report was poor. El reporte era pobre, como si hubiera sido escrito en un apuro.
He is poor. Él es pobre.
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