Примеры употребления "as early as possible" в английском

Tom will try to finish the work as early as possible. Tom tratará de terminar el trabajo tan pronto como sea posible.
You should start as early as possible. Deberías empezar lo antes posible.
I got up early as usual. Me levanté temprano como siempre.
Get up as early as you can. Levántate tan pronto como puedas.
Let's finish this work as soon as possible. Acabemos este trabajo lo antes posible.
You don't get up as early as your sister. Tú no te levantas tan pronto como tu hermana.
Tom wants to see you as soon as possible. Tom quiere verte tan pronto como sea posible.
You don't get up as early as your sister, do you? No te levantas tan pronto como tu hermana, ¿verdad?
Calm down. I'll come over as soon as possible. Tranquilízate. Iré tan pronto como sea posible.
I ran as fast as possible to catch up with her. Corrí lo más rápido posible para alcanzarla.
Try to read as many books as possible. Intenta leer tantos libros como te sea posible.
She ran as fast as possible. Corrió tan rápido como podía.
I need it as quickly as possible. Lo necesito tan pronto como sea posible.
I ran as fast as possible. Corrí tan rápido como pude.
I want you to return it to me as soon as possible. Quiero que me lo devuelvas lo más pronto posible.
I tried to make it as cheap as possible. Intenté hacerlo lo más barato posible.
We must put an end to a bad habit as soon as possible. Tenemos que acabar con los malos hábitos lo más pronto posible.
I want to read as many English books as possible this year. Este año quiero leer tantos libros ingleses como sea posible.
There are people whose only purpose is to be as annoying as possible. Hay personas cuyo único propósito es ser tan molestas como sea posible.
Please call me as soon as possible when you arrive in London. Por favor, llámame en cuanto llegues a Londres.
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